Utah’s own Athlos Academy uses a unique approach to education. They foster the development of  successful adults by encouraging their students to lead fulfilling and responsible lives through mind, body and character development. We worked with Athlos to create a site that places emphasis on online collaboration, empowers administration and enhances the mobile platform to streamline the user experience for teachers, coaches, students and parents. Another important aspect of the site development was scalability. Athlos continues to add schools around the country and needs their site to accommodate a growing increase in traffic. Our work with Athlos has continued to flourish through multiple developmental phases.


Athlos’s unique academic approach initially focused on a multi-faceted character assessment grade system. Students were taught different character traits over a 6-week period and were then evaluated on how they integrated the traits into their lives. Teachers, parents, coaches and students themselves all submited a grade evaluation. DeCort was challenged with the task of designing the functionality for this assessment and creating user portals with administrative roles. We also developed a grading system that took the average of all submissions to provide the final grade. We  also created an online collaboration portal that provided faculty the ability to share content with one another such as videos, links, activities and other resources.

Athlos places high value on an active lifestyle. We were then tasked with creating their Athletic Assessment section to facilitate feedback from the coaches. We critically assessed the mobile user experience and added an Athletic Resource section to streamline and simplify data entry for coaches and administration.

We managed their need for a scalable solution by creating a cluster of servers on the cloud. This allowed us to manage traffic overflow and dynamically increase server size as needed.

To round out this project, we created administrative widgets and dashboard tools so users could better utilize the metrics captured from the character and athletic assessments. Now users are able to customize their dashboards to filter reports as needed.

We continue to cultivate our relationship with Athlos by establishing trust through our ability to communicate effectively and meet project timelines.

DeCort Interactive, Inc.

DeCort Interactive, Inc.